Learning Support

Depending on the diagnosis and on a case-by-case basis, the type of learning support that can be offered can include one or several of the following:

  • Creation of a Documented Plan (DP)
  • SEN (Special Education Needs) Reporting
  • Education Assistant support (case by case)
  • Application for funding for additional support (if necessary and applicable)
  • Application to SCSA (School Curriculum and Standards Authority) in Year 12 for Equitable Adjustments for ATAR Exams
  • Special Exam Arrangements for all tests and exams
  • Assistive technology
  • Extra support for NAPLAN/OLNA (Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment)
  • Referral to School Psychologist
  • Access to Learning Support workshops and resources
  • Tracking of the student for progress and remediation
  • Close monitoring/check-ins by the Learning Support Team and Student Services
  • Collaboration with external agencies and professionals
  • Advice and steering of appropriate pathways for career development.
  • Check-in sessions with an Education Assistant on a weekly basis (case by case)
  • In-school targeted programs – RISE and AITEP
  • Supervision and support at break times (case by case)

Should you require more information please contact the Program Coordinator Learning Support.

RISE Program

At Applecross Senior High School, we offer the RISE Program (Resilience, Interpersonal Skills, and Education Strategies) for Year 7 and 8 students. This targeted small group intervention focuses on social skills, protective behaviours, resilience, problem-solving, and study skills.

Instead of two Language periods, selected students receive life skills support through the RISE Program, preparing them for high school challenges.

Key Components:

  • Social Skills: Building positive and effective communication with peers and teachers.
  • Protective Behaviours: Learning strategies to stay safe and make wise decisions.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Developing the ability to interact harmoniously with others.
  • Resilience: Strengthening the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.
  • Problem-Solving: Enhancing critical thinking to tackle academic and personal challenges.
  • Study Skills: Adopting effective methods for learning and retaining information.

Your child’s primary school and our Student Services team will identify students for the program.

Applecross Individualised Targeted Education Program (AITEP)

At Applecross Senior High School, we are proud to offer the Applecross Individualised Targeted Education Program (AITEP) for students in Years 7 to 10. The AITEP is a targeted small group intervention focusing on enhancing Literacy and Numeracy skills.

Program Highlights:

  • Attendance: Students will attend 3-4 periods per week from their MESH classes.
  • Objective: AITEP promotes success, builds self-confidence, and reintegrates students back into mainstream lessons.
  • Lesson Design: Tailored by specialists to cater to individual needs using data from assessments such as NAPLAN and PAT.
  • Reading and Literacy: Implementation of a Direct Instruction (DI) Reading and Comprehensive Literacy program aligned with the Australian Curriculum, targeting all English strands: Language, Literature, and Literacy.
  • Numeracy: Direct Instruction program covering basic Corrective Mathematics modules, including Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Decimals, Percentage, Ratios, and Equations. These foundational skills prepare students for practical mathematical applications.
  • Progress Monitoring: Regular analysis and reviews, with adjustments made accordingly. Continuous communication with Parents/Guardians to keep them informed of their child’s progress and achievements.
