Health and Physical Education (HPE) at Applecross Senior High develops skills, knowledge, and understandings to strengthen students sense of self, and encourages students’ to manage satisfying, respectful relationships. Students develop movement skills which enable them to participate in a range of physical activities. Involvement in the Health and Physical Education program provides students with learning experiences that empower students to become confident and capable lifelong participants of healthy and active lifestyles.
The Applecross Senior High School HPE program offers a range of senior courses for university-bound students including Health and Physical Education ATAR. General courses and the Certification II in Sport and Recreation are for students seeking an alternative pathway to study further or work. The lower school program provides a range of electives to supplement the compulsory physical activity and health courses linked to the Western Australian Curriculum.
Applecross SHS participates in annual carnivals for all year groups across swimming, athletics, badminton and cross country. Students participate in Lightning Carnivals offered to lower school year groups encouraging participation in sports including netball; soccer, AFL and basketball.