
Applecross Senior High School offers a curriculum that reflects the National Goals for Schooling at the broad national level and meets the requirements of the Western Australian Curriculum Framework.

At Applecross Senior High School, the curriculum is organised according to nine Learning Areas. These include:

  • The Arts
  • English
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Languages
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Technologies
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Years 7-10

Each week students study for four hours in the traditional academic Learning Areas of English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics and Science. In Year 7, most students initially study common courses in these Learning Areas with different pathways emerging as students progress from Year 9 to Year 10. In fourth term of Years 8 and 9, teachers assist students with selecting courses in these Learning Areas by suggesting recommended pathways for the following year. 

Parents and students will be advised of these recommendations and will have the opportunity to discuss these with class teachers and the Heads of Learning Areas (HoLA).

The Languages Learning Area offers French and Japanese. All Year 7, and 8 students study a language for two hours per week throughout the year. Year 9 and 10 students may select a language if they wish to continue their Language studies for two hours a week for the entire year.

In the Health and Physical Education Learning Area, General Physical Education courses are compulsory each semester in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Students will study selected courses for two hours per week for one semester in The Arts, Health and Physical Education, and Technologies Learning Areas. When choosing subjects in these Learning Areas, students are advised to consider the areas of study they may wish to pursue in subsequent years and are advised to check, with the relevant HoLA, the recommended entry levels for Year 11 subjects.

Academic Extension

Applecross Senior High School’s mission is to deliver one of the best Academic Extension programs in the State. To find out more about our Academic Extension Program, please click here.

Year 11 and 12

Applecross Senior High School offers a broad range of courses in Years 11 and 12 to meet students’ interests and needs. These courses:

  • build on the content of previous subjects and programs
  • ensure that Applecross students are able to study similar courses to those offered in other parts of Australia
  • provide multiple pathways to university, training organisations and employment, and
  • count towards university entrance.

All courses have a number of specified outcomes. Courses are organised to meet WACE requirements for students seeking an ATAR for university entrance and those completing General WACE courses as preparation for further study at TAFE or preparation for the workplace.

Applecross offers a flexible curriculum for senior secondary school students intending to enter employment or further training to prepare students for the workforce upon leaving school. Opportunities to complete VET courses and Workplace Learning are available through the VET school’s VET programs. Detailed information about this program can be found in the Senior School Subject Selection Handbook