Technology Support

Parent Teacher Interviews

Below are instructions for the Parent Teacher Interview night and how to book your interview times.

SEQTA Engage

SEQTA is a collaborative teaching and learning ecosystem for teachers, students and parents/guardians.

Parents can email the AXSHS Helpdesk if they are unable to access their SEQTA Engage account. 

Below are the following documents:


Connect is the learning management system used at Applecross SHS. It provides a secure internet service that allows your child’s teachers to provide information about the teaching and learning activities occurring in their class directly to the parents of students in each class. The Department of Education will issue you with a unique username and password, which will provide you with online access to Connect on student enrolment to the school. The service allows for flexible communication between parents and teachers as well as providing personalised information about your child’s learning activities and progress. Student results will be available within the Assessment Outlines tab. Please note that during moderation before reports, this access may be turned off.

Parents can email the AXSHS Helpdesk if they are unable to access their Connect account. 

Below are the following documents:-

Implementing Connect for Parents