In Week 9 of Term 4, Year 10 students are given the opportunity to participate in Work Experience for one week as part of “Leap Week“.
Work Experience encourages students to engage in employment in a particular field of personal interest. The students gain invaluable skills and experience from participating in this opportunity. It is beneficial to include this work in a resume for casual employment and TAFE or alternative entry to university applications in the future. It can also assist students in making decisions about their future pathways. The Work Experience program is modelled on real job search skills.
While work experience can be a daunting and overwhelming situation for some students, most students are very excited about the opportunity and have a very positive experience. Students and parents should be aware that many occupations are unable to provide hands-on work experience. Therefore, students in some situations might be involved with mainly observational activities.
The Work Experience program process will be advertised on Connect, Year 10 Assemblies and in the ‘Eyes on VET’ section of the Parent Update throughout the year. Students interested in applying for work experience need to follow the steps outlined in the Information Pack provided.