VET Connect Program

VET is taken as part of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and provides a wide range of post-school options and pathways. Vocational Education and Training (VET) in schools enables students to gain nationally recognised industry skills. 

The VET Connect Program endeavours to assist students aiming for TAFE entry, apprenticeships, employment, or those who would like to use the VET program as an alternative entry pathway to some universities. The program offers a joint school, industry and training partnership, with students working towards secondary graduation while gaining valuable workplace learning. 

Benefits include recognition and accreditation for school studies when enrolling in TAFE courses, an opportunity to experience the world of work whilst still attending school, and the ability to access future career pathways early. Students also gain a unique opportunity to investigate future career options in a practical manner whilst continuing to achieve the necessary points towards WACE achievement. 

The VET Connect Program requires students to attend school three days per week (Monday to Wednesday) while spending the remaining two days in a work placement and/or external course at TAFE or private Registered Training Organisation. Certificates completed at TAFE/School and Workplace Learning (ADWPL) are all School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) accredited and will count towards the WACE, just like other courses completed at school. Students can select from over 50 TAFE qualifications, as well as select from three qualifications delivered at school. 

The availability of external courses is subject to the external Training Provider providing a venue and lecturer. The venues for some of the training programs require the student to travel a considerable distance. The school cannot guarantee that all students will achieve a place in their chosen qualification. If students are not successful in achieving an external training placement, they will be required to complete a second day of Workplace Learning.

Some programs incur a Fee for Service that must be paid in full to the school before the commencement of the program. The school will forward this fee to the Registered Training Organisation. Parents/Guardians will be provided with information regarding external course fees.

Students participating in the VET Connect Program are required to complete Workplace Learning. This is a SCSA endorsed program that provides students with up to four unit equivalents towards their WACE/WASSA. This highly successful program allows students to experience a number of work placements. This experience is invaluable, and many past students have gone on to gain employment or apprenticeships as a result of the networks they made and the skills they developed in the ‘real world’. Workplace Learning can also assist in meeting the criteria for TAFE and alternative university entry. 

The VET Connect Program is a viable and alternative entry pathway to university. Certificate IV meets entry for 70 Selection Rank Courses at some Universities, provided English Language Competency requirements and the related criteria are met. This alternative university pathway has become very popular with students. It allows them to access courses and workplace learning in a particular field related to their university aspirations while still at school. For others, it assists them in making an informed decision on what to study at university based on their experience in a workplace or training. For specific information related to alternative entry pathways to university, please access detailed information on the university websites. 

The VET Connect Program is a discrete program which is independent of the main timetable. 

Courses undertaken include: 

  • General English 
  • General Career and Enterprise 
  • General Mathematics Essential 
  • Certificate II in Hospitality or Certificate II in Sport and Recreation or Certificate II in Construction Pathways (delivered at school) 
  • Authority-Developed Workplace Learning (ADWPL) – endorsed program 
  • Certificate II or higher delivered externally at an offsite location

VET Connect Student Timetable SampleThe Certificate course chosen may require students to start in Period 2 and attend one Period 6 class on either a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, or start in Period 0 (7:30 am) and have a late start on another day.

There is a separate application process to apply for the VET Connect program and students must meet the selection criteria. Places are limited, and students need to be considered as suitable for the program. 

In selected industry areas, students may be eligible to complete a qualification under a School-Based Traineeship (SBT), School-Based Apprenticeship (SBA) or Pre-Apprenticeship in Schools Program (PAiS). 

Detailed information regarding the above programs can be found in the Subject Selection handbooks.