P2C – Pathway to Careers

The P2C enables students who have specific interests to pursue a career through courses not usually available to them at school. Students attend school for four days per week and spend one day in external training or Workplace Learning. The program also suits students who wish to retain a mainstream timetable of specific electives in Senior School, while gaining a qualification at an off-site location.

The P2C is only available to students who have been given special consideration to undertake Workplace Learning, an external course at TAFE/Private Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or a School-Based Traineeship (SBT), where they are not able to be enrolled in the VET Connect Program at school. A limited number of P2C places are approved, and students need to meet selection criteria, demonstrating their capacity to undertake an external program and miss school one day per week.

ATAR students will not qualify for the P2C due to the requirement to miss one day of school per week. However, a student with one ATAR course can apply for the P2C if their ATAR course is not timetabled on the external training day.

Students completing a Certificate IV will find themselves well-placed for entry to TAFE for further training or alternative university entry.

P2C Student Timetable Sample:

Students in the program retain all six courses at school and will be required to catch up on missed work from the training day.

Qualifications and application details can be found in the Subject Selection handbooks