
The Technologies Learning Area at Applecross Senior High School offers a diverse range of specialty subjects within each of the departments of Design and Technology, Home Economics, and Digital Technologies.

Technologies is a dynamic and creative discipline that empowers students to be resourceful, innovative, and enterprising.

  • Design and Technology: Students work with tools, equipment, and various technologies to source, shape, and manipulate materials, creating practical solutions. They consider social, ethical, and sustainability factors to meet the needs of individuals and groups.
  • Home Economics: Students explore the nutritional and physical properties of food, learning to create healthy eating options. They delve into local, global, and cultural cuisines while gaining an understanding of food production, preservation, preparation, and sensory properties. In Textiles, students practice hand and machine-based production techniques, experiment with textile fibres, and explore sustainable manufacturing practices and marketing opportunities.
  • Digital Technologies: The Western Australian Curriculum equips students with the skills to shape change through contemporary and emerging information systems. Students engage with coding, Photoshop, 3D modelling, 3D printing, and game design, fostering digital fluency and creativity. These experiences prepare them for a globally connected digital world, enhancing critical skills such as logic, problem-solving, and innovation, which are key attributes for success in a knowledge-based society.

The Technologies Learning Area inspires students to explore, create, and adapt, preparing them for an exciting and ever-changing future.