
Lower School

At Applecross, our English curriculum is meticulously designed around three fundamental strands: Language, Literature, and Literacy. Our teaching and learning programs seamlessly integrate these strands to enhance students’ listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing, and creating abilities.

Students are enrolled in either Mainstream or EALD (English as an Additional Language or Dialect) classes. Those identified as particularly strong in mainstream classes may be selected for Extension or Enrichment English programs to further develop their skills and abilities. Entry into these Academic Extension and Enrichment classes is determined through testing, typically conducted in Grade 6, and the results attained at the end of the Semester 2 reporting cycle. These classes are reserved for exceptionally gifted English students.

For students who face challenges with literacy, we offer the option to forego their two periods of language classes each week to receive targeted literacy instruction. This ensures that every student receives the support they need to succeed.

Senior School

In Years 11 and 12, students at Applecross have the opportunity to enrol in a variety of English courses tailored to their academic goals and interests:

  • General English
  • General EALD (English as an Additional Language or Dialect)
  • ATAR English
  • ATAR Literature
  • ATAR EALD (English as an Additional Language or Dialect)

Historically, the majority of our students opt for ATAR English with the intention of pursuing university education. To qualify for this course, students should achieve A/B grades in Year 10 and pre-qualified for OLNA (achieving Band 8 or better in Reading and Writing in Year 9 NAPLAN). Students with a keen interest in English and Literature may choose to study ATAR Literature, with entry requirements mirroring those of ATAR English.

Recognising the diverse pathways to university now available, many students may find General English to be a more accessible option. This course is ideal for students planning to continue their studies at TAFE or enter the workforce directly.

EALD courses are specifically designed for students whose first language or dialect is not English. These courses have strict eligibility requirements. Students enrolled in General EALD will have a variety of post-secondary options in further education, training, and employment. Those who select ATAR EALD will develop their academic English skills, preparing them for tertiary study.