Pastoral Care

Priority One: Student Development and Wellbeing

Student resilience and wellbeing are essential for academic and social development, and this is optimised by providing safe, supportive and respectful learning environments.


Education is at the heart of social inclusion. From a teaching and learning perspective, being inclusive is about approaching, accepting, and valuing people as individuals. By exploring and valuing different ideas, approaches, and experiences, inclusive learning allows individual diversity to enrich others’ lives and learning and ultimately has a positive influence within society.


We seek to develop young people who are respectful, articulate, committed to social justice and equity, and espouse the school values of Mutual Respect and Personal Best. We seek to develop a community of engaged learners who are globally connected with a strong moral compass. Young people who are confident and resilient with well-developed emotional intelligence, are equipped to perform better academically. These skills can also contribute to creating strong social bonds and supportive communities, which foster healthy relationships and responsible lifestyles.

Year 7-8 Sub School

Associate Principal:Paul CurrieProgram Coordinator:Lachlan Silberstein
Year 7 Coordinator:Emily PostlethwaiteYear 8 Coordinator:Nick Evernden
Launch Pad & The Best Version of Me

The Year 7-8 Sub School is an integral part of Applecross Senior High School, which supports students during the important phase of transitioning from Primary to Secondary school. 

In the Year 7-8 Sub School, we develop each of our students holistically through a broad range of academic, physical, social, and emotional experiences appropriate for their stage of development. The pastoral care and health and wellbeing of our students are our first priority. 

We provide a learning environment designed to specifically meet students’ needs in Years 7 and 8 as they move through this challenging stage. The Year 7-8 Sub School program will provide students with solid educational foundations with a strong focus on literacy and numeracy in order to support OLNA attainment in Year 9. Students in the junior school will be engaged in a range of Citizenship, Academic, Sporting and Leadership opportunities and are supported to pursue our shared goals of “Personal Best” and “Mutual Respect” by embodying these values in all aspects of their school life.  

Year 9-10 Sub School

Associate Principal:Paul Currie (Year 9)
Toni Jones (Year10)
Program Coordinator:Shane Basioli
Year 9 CoordinatorCassy LudowykYear 10 Coordinator:Rebecca Hansen
Pathway to Success – Through Opportunity

The Year 9-10 Sub School allows students to grow and explore their individual interests, extending beyond the school and into the wider community. Students begin to develop an interest in particular fields of knowledge or endeavour for the personal satisfaction these fields provide.

Students’ growing independence and peer-group orientation are built upon by providing opportunities to participate in important decision-making forms within the classroom, the school, and to work with others. Through such experiences, students assume increased responsibilities, develop decision-making skills, explore values and further refine their social and collaborative work skills. As an Applecross SHS Middle School member, your child will be cared for in a smaller community, led by a Program Coordinator and supported by the Associate Principal of Years 9 and 10. Our approach and focus ensure that every student is known, connected to friends and their community, and has the conditions necessary to learn and flourish through extensive exposure to a multitude of Cultural, Sporting, Academic, Vocational and Leadership ventures to support their growth and development. Embedded throughout the Applecross experience is the embodiment of our two school values of “Personal Best” and “Mutual Best” to achieve our shared goals.

At Applecross SHS, teachers are arranged into multi-disciplinary teams through the Positive Education/Advocacy program that fosters targeted life skills within their MESH subjects. These teams of teachers are interconnected through weekly Year assemblies, SEQTA and Connect communities.

The Sub School structure allows for consistent messages and two-way communication, enabling wrap-around support for every child. It also provides a clear avenue to plan for and discuss every student’s educational, social, and emotional needs.

Our focus on “Mutual Respect” and “Personal Best” allows us to focus on the whole child, not just the academic child.

Year 11-12 Sub School

Associate Principal:Toni JonesProgram Coordinator:Ebony Morrison
Year 11 Coordinator:Lenni CornejoYear 12 Coordinator:Kim Beurs
Gateway Into the Future

At Applecross SHS, all senior students have the opportunity for success, to achieve their Personal Best, whatever pathway they may choose.  We build upon the groundwork that started in the junior and middle sub-schools and target individual student pathways through senior school and post-school. The transition from school is at the forefront of our planning, and we acknowledge that each student needs to follow a pathway that is right for them. To this end, we draw upon our extensive community partnerships and work with “parents as partners” to ensure a smooth transition for all our students.

Students will identify and develop their individual character strengths. We encourage connectedness by fostering strong relationships and building resilience across all facets of school life. We develop self-efficacy and a sense of purpose amongst all students to embed mutual respect as a core value in our senior students.

The Applecross Senior School team actively embodies the school values of “Personal Best” and “Mutual Respect”.  The school motto of “Achieve” is at the forefront of our planning and delivery of programs relevant to the senior school space.  We acknowledge that student wellbeing is the cornerstone of all achievement both at school and beyond. We will support students to flourish in their chosen pathways.

Our focus:

  • Student social-emotional wellbeing
  • Academic confidence, rigour and achievement
  • Student voice, representation and leadership
  • Flexibility in pathways to achieve WACE
  • Transition to life after school
  • Recognising individual student achievement
  • Building community partnerships