Purpose Statement and Values

Applecross Senior High School supports students to achieve – now and into the future. The school’s motto “Achieve” is supported through our core values of Personal Best and Mutual Respect.  Success for students means that they achieve their personal best in a climate of mutual respect and consideration for others.

Our students and teachers value strong, positive interpersonal relationships founded on trust, respect and shared responsibility. We firmly believe that the best learning occurs when teachers, students and parents are in partnership together, have common goals and are mutually respectful.

Under the banner of “Applecross Senior High School Chooses Respect” our core values are Mutual Respect and Personal Best. It is expected that each individual will take responsibility and make a positive contribution to the school community.

Our values, as seen through the eyes of an Applecross Senior High School student:

At Applecross Senior High School I am responsible for –

Mutual Respect 

  • caring for self and others
  • caring for the environment
  • being honest, sincere and seeking the truth
  • treating others with consideration and regard
  • being accountable for one’s actions
  • being understanding of others and their cultures and accepting diversity

Personal Best

  • seeking to accomplish something worthy and admirable
  • trying hard and pursuing excellence
  • setting meaningful goals
  • seeking assistance and support to improve my performance
  • creating my success