Associate Principals

Associate Principal Years 7-9

Mr Paul Currie

My primary purpose is to improve the academic performance of all lower-school students in Years 7 to 9. I liaise with the relevant Heads of the Learning Area and the Teachers in Charge to review progress with the Learning Areas twice a year. I also work with the sub-school Program Coordinators to track individual student progress regularly.

I ensure that the lower school curriculum is well-developed and that our assessments accurately reflect the standards. I also am responsible for the Reporting to Parent process, ensuring that you receive regular updates on your child’s progress and get suggestions for areas of improvement as well as end-of-semester reports and two-parent evenings each year.

I also oversee the Academic Extension and Acceleration programs, liaising with the Teachers in Charge to ensure students’ entry-level testing and movement is fair and equitable.

I have whole school responsibilities for the following areas.

  • School Business Plan priority number three: Staff Development and Wellbeing.
  • Learning Area oversight of Arts, Technologies, Languages & Physical Education & Health.
  • School review processes involving School Leadership
  • ICT issues, including SEQTA, networking and infrastructure
  • STEM building program and program delivery
  • NAPLAN and student academic testing

If you have any concerns or wish for more information, I urge you to contact your child’s teacher and then the Head of Learning Area to address the issue at this level. I am happy to assist you beyond this if any matters cannot be easily resolved.

I am also the person who will oversee any subject changes during the year.

Associate Principal Years 10 -12

Ms Toni Jones

My primary responsibility in my role as Associate Principal for Years 10-12 is to ensure that all students have access to a balanced and personalised curriculum aimed at providing them with the opportunity to achieve personal success and Academic Achievement.

Research shows that senior school success is not entirely linked to a student’s IQ. Researchers have identified ‘grit’ as the key determining factor in whether individuals will succeed in any given situation. Parents play a crucial role in supporting students to develop ‘grit’. Together with staff, parents can encourage students to be accountable for their decision-making and their performance. We believe in creating a learning environment that supports and nurtures students while encouraging them to develop a growth mindset and a willingness to embrace challenges, even if it means stepping out of their comfort zone.

I oversee a comprehensive team of staff who ensure that the social, emotional and pastoral needs of the students in Senior School are met whilst continuing to provide an environment whereby students are happy, supported, and for students to enjoy their Senior School experience. Our team has a comprehensive academic tracking and monitoring process in place to ensure all students meet their WACE requirements at the end of Year 12 and achieve the best results here at school. Applecross Senior High School students have a long history of academic success and an enviable community service record. We believe in preparing students to succeed in life – not just in their exams.

My other key responsibilities align with the 4 MESH (Maths, English, Science and Humanities and Social Science) Learning Areas, ensuring that our curriculum is broad and provides for learning through critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical and intercultural understanding. These areas identify essential skills for twenty-first-century learners preparing students for life beyond secondary school.

Associate Principal Student Services

Mr Rex Lilleyman

Student achievement and wellbeing are a priority in our School Business Plan, and considerable resources are allocated to support this priority. Our school’s goal is to ensure that the school environment is positive, caring, inclusive and supportive for all Applecross SHS students. When this happens, students are most likely to be able to achieve their potential in their courses.

I am responsible for managing the Student Services staff in the school, whose primary responsibility is to provide support services in various areas to ensure the above goal is achieved. There are a number of staff who work in this area in different capacities. We have Program Coordinators, Year Coordinators, a School Psychologist, two Chaplains, a School Nurse, and a Learning Support Coordinator. All these people are available to assist students and parents as our students progress through what can be challenging teenage years.

The key to successful students is establishing positive relationships between students, teachers, and parents. Working together makes it far more likely that challenges can be managed successfully when they arise. I am sure we all want the best outcomes for the students, so the school encourages and values regular communication. As students progress through secondary school, they will need guidance. We are happy to communicate with parents so students get a common message.

In addition to my primary responsibility of supporting students, I am significantly involved with behaviour management, enrolments and transition, learning support, and improving student voice and parent engagement.

We are fortunate to have outstanding young people at the school. We want to keep them focused on their goals, and I am very keen to keep open lines of communication with parents concerning any areas I am responsible for.

Associate Principal – Strategic Directions and Quality Assurance

Ms Angie Thomas