Applecross Senior High School is a Local Intake school that offers Gifted and Talented Visual Art and Specialist Tennis programs. Specific eligibility requirements apply for all enrolments to Applecross Senior High School.
Applecross Senior High School is designated as a local intake school. Students and their family must live within the school boundaries when the enrolment commences. You can view the boundary map here.
Year 7 Enrolment Timeline
Click on the link below to open the interactive document.

Out of Area Intake Application
For students residing out of the local intake area, please refer to our website’s “Out of Area” section. You will need to submit an “Enrolment Request Form” only.
Local Intake Area Application
To apply, please refer to the “Local Intake Application” section of our website for access to the full application link. Please read the checklist below prior to enrolling.
We highly recommend completing the editable Enrolment PDF form. If you are unable to do so, please contact our Reception to request a manual copy.
Enrolment Checklist
When you enrol your child at Applecross SHS, please provide copies of the following documentation, including relevant additional health and medical forms, for the enrolment to be complete and accepted. Please gather all documentation prior to accessing the application link to be uploaded at the same time.
Please do not submit an incomplete application.
From 2022, all applications that are incomplete and/or missing required documentation will not be processed. The application will be returned to the sender for completion, and no details of the student will be entered.
Documentation required for enrolment:
- Proof of address (Lease Agreement or Rates Notice)
If you are renting
We require a current and signed lease agreement. The lease end date must have a minimum of 3 months into the student’s start date commencing at Applecross SHS.
Note: When a lease end date occurs prior to the student commencing and/or within three months of commencement, a lease renewal confirmation and updated utility bills are required in Term 4 before the application can be approved. For Year 7 entry, the student will not be exempt from Orientation Day or school communications in this circumstance.
If you have a Private rental agreement, a copy of the Landlord’s current Rates Notice and a Statutory Declaration will need to be supplied by both the Owner and Tenant.
The renting of a room in a property is not acceptable for enrolment.
If you own the property
We require a current Rates Notice (if you own your home), Settlement letter/email AND Land Title (if you have recently purchased your home).
The building contract and expected move-in date are required if you are building in-area. Approval will be at the discretion of the Associate Principal for the relevant year group.
- Utilities- In addition to your Lease or Rates, two Utility Bills are required (Water, Gas or Electricity)
- Birth Certificate
- Immunisation Record – not more than two months old. (Australian Immunisation Register or Medicare Immunisation Statement.)
- Court order (if applicable)
- Most recent school report
- Most recent NAPLAN results
- Most recent OLNA results.
If your child was not born in Australia or both parents were born overseas, you must provide:
- Evidence of the date of entry into Australia (If arrived within three years, please provide initial passport the student entered Australia with)
- Passport or travel documents
- Current visa and previous visas (if applicable)
- Citizenship Certificate (if applicable
- Student Health Information – Specialist medical reports must be provided at the time of enrolment for current conditions, as this will be recorded on your child’s records. Reports from CAMHS (Child Adolescent Mental Health Services) can be no older than six months from the date on the report. Specialist medical reports will aid with special exam conditions, such as NAPLAN, OLNA and ATAR classroom assessments. For medically diagnosed conditions such as Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Diabetes. Seizures etc., please provide a current and signed Action Plan from your Specialist.
Communication during the Admission Phase (before your child commences)
All communication/information will only be sent to the nominated Primary Parent/Carer 1 prior to your child starting at Applecross SHS. Once your child commences Year 7, appearing as a “current” student on the School Roll, all your “Mail Marker” preferences will be activated.
Cancellation of Enrolment and Change of Particulars
Note the Department of Education Enrolment Policy states:
Cancellation of enrolment
Section 20. (1) The Principal of a school may cancel the enrolment of an enrolee at the school if the Principal is satisfied that :
- the enrolment was obtained by the giving of false or misleading information; or
- Section 17 has not been complied with.
Note that Section 17 states:
Change of particulars
Section 17. (1) Where there is a change in:
- the place of residence of an enrolled student; or
- the particulars referred to in section 16 (1(b) or (c) in respect of the enrolee, notice of the change is to be given to the Principal of the school at which the enrollee is enrolled
- by a parent or the enrollee;
Parents are required to notify the school of any changes to a student’s Citizenship, i.e. current Visa sub Class when changing from Temporary Resident to Permanent Resident or where a student becomes an Australian Citizen. A copy of this documentation is required for school records.
Closing Date of Application
Application for enrolment at a Public School can take place at any time. The recommended date for applications to enrol in Year 7 2026, is by Friday 25th July 2025.
English Competency
Students wishing to enrol whose first language is not English will need to demonstrate fluency in Standard Australian English on enrolment.
Courses in English as an Additional Language or Dialect (English as a Second Language) are available for eligible students and applicants needing further language development may be referred to an Intensive English Centre or a specialised senior campus.
A birth certificate or extract of birth certificate or passport must be provided with the Application for Enrolment as proof of age. Only in very exceptional circumstances, and only with the Principal’s permission, will a student be placed in a group that does not correspond to their age group.
A student who has turned 18 years of age prior to 30th June of the year of the application for enrolment will not be permitted to enrol at the school.
Provision of immunisation records at enrolment is a requirement of the Department of Education. Parents of students vaccinated in Australia can request an Immunisation History Statement at any time by:
- telephoning ACIR (Australian Childhood Immunisation Register) on 1800 653 809 (free call)
- emailing
Change of Address
Continued enrolment at Applecross Senior High School is not assured where a family (student) changes residence outside the school boundary. Department of Education policy states the school must be informed “within 14 days” of any change of circumstances. This includes a change of address.
Sibling Policy
Siblings are not assured enrolment at the school where the family is residing outside the school boundary at the time of the sibling’s enrolment. Siblings are given some priority for enrolment over those families residing outside the local area (Out of Local Area Application) and are enrolled at the Principal’s discretion where capacity is established. Please provide the most recent school report when applying for enrolment.
Overseas Students
Students born overseas must be Australian citizens or hold an appropriate visa before enrolling at the school. For overseas students who are in Australia, using an entry visa, it is necessary that we sight the passport and visa of the parent – primary visa holder – and student at this time. These should be submitted at the time of the application.
Special Needs
Parents of students with special needs should contact the school to discuss these needs and the appropriateness of placement in Applecross Senior High School, prior to lodging an application to enrol. It is important that these issues and the school’s ability to meet student needs are discussed and potential problems highlighted.
Suspensions and Exclusions
The Education Department requires that any information on suspensions and exclusions must be provided to the school when applying for enrolment. This information will help the school to provide your child with the appropriate support if required. Children currently under suspension from a government school can not be enrolled at another government school until the suspension period is over. Children who have previously been suspended or excluded from a government school may be required to enter into a behaviour agreement with the school if enrolment is accepted.
Approved Specialist Program
Students who reside within or outside the Applecross Senior High School boundary and who have a passion for, and exceptional ability in, Tennis may apply for entry into this Approved Specialist Program.
Students may apply in Years 5 or 6 for entry into Year 7.
Click here for Special Tennis Enrolment Information.
Gifted and Talented Program
Students who reside within or outside the Applecross Senior High School boundary may apply for entry into the Gifted and Talented Program. The Gifted and Talented program at Applecross Senior High School is the Visual Arts Program in Years 7 to 12.
Application and selection processes are managed centrally by the Department of Education Gifted and Talented Selection Unit. Please visit for further information.
International Students
Applecross Senior High School does not accept applications from International students directly (eg. 500 visas). All enquiries should be made through TAFE International on 9218 2100.