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42 events found.
Calendar Events
Calendar of Events
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
S Sun
6 events,
Term 1 Week 4
Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN Practice Test
4 events,
Year 7 AE City of Melville excursion (TBA)
4 events,
Japanese Excursion
1 event,
6 events,
Term 1
Term 1 Week 5
Labour Day
6 events,
Year 9 Zoo Ecosystems and Biomes Excursion
7 events,
Finance Submissions due to MCS
Boys Herbert Edwards Cup
Year 9 Zoo Ecosystems and Biomes Excursion
7 events,
House Swimming Carnival (TBA)
Girls Herbert Edwards Cup
International Women’s Day Emmanuel Catholic College Event
3 events,
International Women’s Day
GATE Workshop
1 event,
9 events,
Term 1
Term 1 Week 6
School Photo Day
Year 9 Zoo Ecosystems and Biomes Excursion
Performing Arts Perfectives
9 events,
Year 9 Zoo Ecosystems and Biomes Excursion
10 events,
Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN Official Testing Period
Year 10 UN Youth Incursion
Year 10 Parent SS Pathways Information
Year 10 Parent SS Pathways Information
Two sessions will run due to the large cohort. Date: Wednesday 12 March Time: Session 1: 5:15 pm — 6:15 pm ... Read more
11 events,
Boys Slazenger Cup
Year 11 Hazards Excursion
4 events,
GATE Workshop
12 events,
Term 1
Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN Official Testing Period
Term 1 Week 7
St Patrick’s Day
School Photo Day Catch Up Day
10 events,
Year 11 Biology Perth Zoo Excursion
Year 11 ATAR Parent Information Session
Year 11 ATAR Parent Information Session
To book click on the following link
7 events,
Harmony Day
Year 11/12 Badminton Carnival
3 events,
8 events,
Term 1
Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN Official Testing Period
Term 1 Week 8
8 events,
Subject Handbooks returned to Marta
Year 11/12 Girls Futsal
2 events,
GATE Workshop
2 events,
Senior Ensembles Rehearsal Camp and Primary Schools Concerts
8 events,
Term 1
Senior Ensembles Rehearsal Camp and Primary Schools Concerts
Term 1 Week 9
Year 11/12 Boys Futsal
5 events,
Year 10 VET Connect Information Night
Year 10 VET Connect Information Night
To book, click on the following link
5 events,
6 events,
Last Day Year 12 Course Changes SCSA
Interschool Swimming Carnival
4 events,
Drama Camp (Year 11 and Year 12)
4 events,
GATE Testing
3 events,
Music ATAR Performance Rehearsal Day (TBA)
Please note: the dates and details of these events are subject to change without notice.