The needs of academically talented students are specifically catered for through the Academic Extension Program, which operates in Mathematics, English, Science and HASS in Years 7 to 10.
Please note that this is an in-house program and, as such, is not an entry pathway into the school. Students must be residing in the local intake area when submitting the formal Academic Extension application to be eligible for testing.
Should an “Out of Area” applicant gain enrolment at Applecross Senior High School, their academic performance will be reviewed at that time by academic extension coordinators. Every endeavour will be made to place the child in the most suitable class, including extension classes, depending on numbers/availability.
Academic Extension application forms should be returned as soon as possible, with applications closing at 6.00 pm Wednesday 17th July 2024.
Testing information will be emailed to all applicants at the start of Term 3. At the conclusion of the selection process, all parents will be notified, again via email, regarding the outcome of their child/children’s testing. However, individual test scores and/or feedback is not made available.
You are required save the PDF form before completing the application. You will be unable to submit the form if you use the web version of Acrobat (the web version has limited functions). If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you can download the program by clicking on the link below.